Janelle Mazelin
Janelle has been with the organization since 2000 and serving as Executive Director since 2008....
Jeremy Labosier
University Librarian, Biola University Jeremy has been a member of ACL since 2016. He previously served as Director-at-large from 2019-2022. “ACL is a unique community where people love Jesus Christ and seek to live out their faith through service in libraries. We do this better as we connect with other…...
Nate Farley
Systems Librarian, University of Northwestern – St. Paul Nate has been a member of ACL since 2002 and began serving on the Board as a Director-at-large in 2010. “The Association endeavors to meet the needs of its members. The last year has been one of intense need and the fallout…...
Rodney Birch
Research Services Librarian, Northwest Nazarene University Rodney has been a member of ACL since 1997. He served as Vice President from 2011-2017 and Member-at-Large from 2008-2011. “I will continue the work of ensuring the fiscal strength of the Association through collaboration with the Business Manager, Board of Directors, Executive Director,…...
Julie Sweeney
Instructional Services Librarian, Point Loma Nazarene University...