Member of the Month

Barbara Winters – 2/2024

Barbara is the Librarian at Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, MN (200 FTE). Barbara has been a member of ACL since 2017 and during her time as an ACL member has served as a mentor and prayer group member.

Describe yourself using a book title: My colleagues and I agree that this is a great question, but I had to think long and hard. So… SENSE AND SENSIBILITY is what we all came up with.

What’s the best thing about being a librarian? There are days when I grow weary — after 50 years in academic libraries. But I *always* love my work. I love our students, and I love that I have the opportunity to serve the Lord through serving them.

What are you currently reading? My adult son is trying to introduce Terry Pratchett to me and so has me reading Going Postal. It is not yet my cup of tea. I’ve just started Henri Nouwen’s The Return of the Prodigal Son : A Story of Homecoming. And I just re-read (and led a book discussion group on) Till We Have Faces. My bibliography of books to read will definitely outlive me. So, I’m glad we will continue to read in heaven!

Describe ACL in three words: Solid. Supportive. Gracious Community.

How do you as a librarian contribute to your campus or community? In other jobs I have been on and/or chaired campus committees BCS is a much-smaller community, and there aren’t those kinds of opportunities. I did lead the library portion of our recent ABHE self-study. And, I have introduced interlibrary loan for our faculty and graduate students. (Thank you, ACL ILL!) They are beyond grateful. We are supporting the work of the library at our extension site in Cameroon, and I am working with a local pastor to assist him in setting up a church library. And I join with colleagues two times every week to pray for our faculty, staff, and students.

I began my career as a librarian…in 1974 as a clerk in an academic library. NOTHING was automated. Paraprofessional staff filed catalog cards “above the rod” so that professional staff could come along and check the accuracy of our filing! I became a librarian in 1986 and brought the first computers into our academic library. I started my professional career as a department head in an acquisitions department, moved up to associate university librarian, and then to Dean of Libraries at Marshall University. All by God’s great grace.

What do you value about ACL? The professional community, made up of librarians of all different types and backgrounds. Comradery.

How were you introduced to ACL? When I took my current job 7 years ago, our ABHE representative mentioned ACL to our President; he encouraged me, and I jumped at the chance of joining.

How are you or have you been involved in ACL? I have not yet been as active as I plan to be. I have started “deeper” participation by becoming a mentor.

Do you have any specific interests in the library world? Library Management, Library Organization Models, Technical Services, History of the Book