Nate Farley – 04/2019
Keep Encouraging One Another! – 04/2019
The Christian life is like a three-legged race: in order to get anywhere without being frustrated, one needs to walk in step with one’s partner. Ultimately that partner is Christ, who spoke of being “yoked together” (Matthew 11:28-30).
Beth Purtee -03/2019
Balcony Person or Basement Person? – 03/2019
In our world of librarianship, we have the opportunity to touch many lives in our day-to-day work—students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors. We can do this with a spirit of affirmation or one of evaluation. Do we have a smile, listen carefully to their questions, or notice that they are having a bad day? Or do we have a sharp word, a scowl on our face, or a judgmental spirit?
Craig Rosenbeck – 02/2019
Your Wild and Precious Life – 02/2019
On the day Mary Oliver died, a friend posted her poem, “The Summer Day,” with its poignant closing lines:
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
Amy Bessin – 01/2019
Unworthy Servants – 01/2019
As I fast approach retirement, much of my thoughts have been about the meaning of service. Service has been my calling and profession for over forty years. Of course, librarianship is a career deeply rooted in service. Within higher education it is typical for libraries to be associated with other academic support services.
Erinn Huebner – 12/2018
Twitter Handle: @MerryNLibrarian
His Good Purpose for Me – 12/2018
When I was in my freshman year of college, I was seeking God’s will for my life. The college had a special missions emphasis week, and during that time the Lord made it very clear to me that He wanted me to serve Him as a cross-cultural missionary.